
Commerce Department

Subjects offered through the Commerce Department are Accounting, Economics, and Business Studies.

Our philosophy is that general knowledge of Commerce/Business/Enterprise is an important life skill. We want to impart not only knowledge and skills to the students but also a ‘we can do it’ attitude. The students we teach are not only going to be employees but also the employers who create jobs for others and wealth for the nation. We are enthusiastic about our subject area and wish to pass that enthusiasm onto our students.

All subjects and year levels in the Commerce Department have the following mutual teaching aims in addition to the specific teaching goals of each subject:

  • to provide a supportive learning environment for all students
  • to assist each student reach their own potential in Commerce subjects, whether at senior or junior level
  • to offer programmes that meet the needs of each student
  • to provide balanced and interesting programmes whereby promoting a desire to discover and learn in each student
  • to incorporate an international perspective (with emphasis on Asia and the Pacific Rim) where appropriate to ensure a technological focus in classes
  • to ensure that all students have an awareness of the process of commerce to ensure the development of ethical business practices by students