
Mathematics (MAT) – NCEA Level 1

Minimum Entry Standard: A satisfactory level of achievement in Year 10 Mathematics. 


This course is designed for students who have a passion for Mathematics. It covers all the key skills required for Numeracy and is the pathway for further learning in Mathematics. The Achievement Standards offered in this course cover a number of different areas of Mathematics – Algebra, Linear and Non-Linear Graphs, Geometry, Measurement and Statistics. For students looking forward to studying Mathematics at Level 2, this course leads on to 12MAT and 12MAS.


Course Content: Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.


Progression to NCEA Level 2: 14 credits in Level 1 Mathematics including at least one Merit in AS 1.2 and / or 1.3. Both 1.2 and 1.3 must be achieved. Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics 12MAS – 14 credits in Level 1 Mathematics. 



1.Is Mathematics compulsory at Year 11?
Yes, at Hutt International Boys’ School, all Year 11 students must be enrolled in a Mathematics course.

2.Is there a minimum number of credits I need to obtain in Level 1 Mathematics?
Yes, all students must gain a minimum of 10 Numeracy credits to gain their NCEA qualification. These 10 credits can be attained not just in Mathematics, but across the curriculum. Standards that count towards numeracy are indicated in the Senior Curriculum Handbook.

3.What is the difference between the Mathematics Applied Course (11MAA) and the Mathematics Course (11MAT)?
The 11MAA course is designed for students that struggle with the more abstract nature of Mathematics. As a result, the 11MAA course is comprised of one small class which focuses on the more applied topics in Mathematics, and where the students can gain their credits through internally assessed standards.


Mathematics Alternative (MAA) – NCEA Level 1

Minimum Entry Standard: To have completed a course of study in Year 10 Mathematics. 


This course has been designed to support those students who prefer to gain their credits through Internal Assessments. It covers all the key skills required for Numeracy and is the pathway to further learning in Statistics. The Achievement Standards offered in this course cover a number of different areas of Mathematics – Number, Statistics, Measurement, Geometry. For students looking forward to studying Mathematics at Level 2, this course leads onto 12MAS.


Course Content:  Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.


Progression to NCEA Level 2: Level 2 Mathematics with Statistics 12MAS – 14 credits in Level 1 Mathematics. 



1.Is Mathematics compulsory at Year 11?
Yes, at Hutt International Boys’ School, all Year 11 students must be enrolled in a Mathematics course.

2.Is there a minimum number of credits I need to obtain in Level 1 Mathematics?
Yes, all students must gain a minimum of 10 Numeracy credits to gain their NCEA qualification. These 10 credits can be attained not just in Mathematics, but across the curriculum. Standards that count towards numeracy are indicated in the Senior Curriculum Handbook.

3.What is the difference between the Mathematics Applied Course (11MAA) and the Mathematics Course (11MAT)?
The 11MAA course is designed for students that struggle with the more abstract nature of Mathematics. As a result, the 11MAA course is comprised of one small class which focuses on the more applied topics in Mathematics, and where the students can gain their credits through internally assessed standards.


Mathematics (MAT) - NCEA Level 2

Minimum Entry Standard: 14 credits in Level 1 Mathematics including at least one Merit in AS1.2 and AS1.3. Both AS1.2 and AS1.3 must be achieved. 


This is the course that leads on from the fundamentals learnt at Level 1. Students who have a passion for Mathematics and in particular, Algebra, will love this course. If students are interested in studying Engineering, Architecture, Medicine, to name just a few career options, this is the course for you. This course leads on the 13MAC and 13SAM.


Course Content: Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.


Progression to Level 3: Mathematics with Calculus 13MAC requires a minimum of 14 credits in Level 2 Mathematics with at least Merit in Algebra (2.6) and Calculus (2.7). Statistics & Modelling 13SAM course requires a minimum of 14 credits in Level 2 Mathematics with at least two Merit passes. 



1.Is Mathematics compulsory at Year 12?
No, Mathematics is not compulsory at Year 12, but students are encouraged to continue their study of Mathematics at this level, unless they are very sure they do not need it for their future occupation and/or course of study.

2.What is the difference between the Mathematics with Statistics (12MAS) and the Mathematics Course (12MAT)?
The Year 12 Mathematics with Statistics course is designed for students who struggled with the more algebraic topics in the NCEA Level 1 Mathematics Course. This course focuses on the more applied mathematical topics and does not cover the harder Algebra or Calculus topics at NCEA Level 2. The 12MAS is assessed mainly through internal achievement standards.


Mathematics with Statistics (MAS) – NCEA Level 2

Minimum Entry Standard: 14 credits at Mathematics Level 1. 


This course is designed specifically for students who wish to continue their Mathematics studies, but who may have difficulty with the complexities of the full Year 12 Mathematics programme. The emphasis of this course is laying a strong statistical foundation to provide progression if possible into the Mathematics or Statistics course in Year 13.


Course Content: Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.


Progression to Statistics 13SAM: To study Statistics at Level 3 it will be necessary to have achieved 14 credits in Level 2 Mathematics, with at least two Merit level. 

Progression to Mathematics 13MAT: In order to gain entry to the Level 3 Mathematics course a minimum of 12 credits is required in any Level 2 Mathematics course. 



1.Is Mathematics compulsory at Year 12?
No, Mathematics is not compulsory at Year 12, but students are encouraged to continue their study of Mathematics at this level, unless they are very sure they do not need it for their future occupation and/or course of study.

2.What is the difference between the Mathematics with Statistics (12MAS) and the Mathematics Course (12MAT)?
The Year 12 Mathematics with Statistics course is designed for students who struggled with the more algebraic topics in the NCEA Level 1 Mathematics Course. This course focuses on the more applied mathematical topics and does not cover the harder Algebra or Calculus topics at NCEA Level 2. The 12MAS is assessed mainly through internal achievement standards.


Calculus (MAC) - NCEA Level 3

Minimum Entry Standard: A minimum of 14 credits in Level 2 Mathematics with at least Merit in both Algebra and Calculus. 


Why study Calculus? Do you want to be a Doctor, an Engineer, a Forensic Scientist, an Economist, a Biologist, or a Mathematician? These are some of the careers that Calculus can lead to. But if you aren’t quite sure “Why Calculus?” here is another reason: it is one of the greatest intellectual achievements of humankind and, even more to the point, it is accessible to anyone who already has studied and achieved well in Algebra, Graphs, Trigonometry and Geometry. Calculus is important in real-world applications. As well as engaging in a worthwhile intellectual endeavour, you will be helping to keep your future career options open.


Course Content: Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.




1.Can I study more than one Level 3 Mathematics Course in Year 13?
Yes, students that enjoy and have a strength in Mathematics should consider studying both Calculus and Statistics in Year 13. The Year 13 Mathematics Course is a stand-alone course designed for students who wish to continue their study of Mathematics level, but find Mathematics challenging.

2.Do all the Level 3 Mathematics courses count towards University Entry?
Yes, all three courses count towards University entry.

3.If I am only planning to study one Mathematics course in Year 13, how do I decide whether or not to take Calculus or Statistics?
This is the most common question students have, when selecting a senior Mathematics course. There are two things to consider when making this decision:
a. Do you need either Calculus or Statistics for your tertiary programme of study i.e. if you are thinking of studying a degree in the areas of science, engineering, computer science/ICT, architecture or economics then I would recommend the Calculus course. If, however you plan to study a degree in social sciences or any area where the analysis and interpretation of data is important, then I would recommend Statistics.
b. Enjoyment factor. What topics in the NCEA Level 2 Mathematics Course did you enjoy the most. If you enjoyed Algebra, Graphing, Trigonometry and Calculus then the Level 3 Calculus course provides an extension and flow from these topics. If however you didn’t enjoy these topics, but liked Probability and enjoy writing reports, and interpreting trends in data, then Level 3 Statistics is the ideal course. If, however you enjoy both of these areas, then you should consider studying both courses.


Mathematics (MAT)- NCEA Level 3

Minimum Entry Standard: 12 credits in Level 2 Mathematics. 


This course follows on from the Statistics learnt at Level 2 and introduces new areas of Mathematics such as Critical Path Analysis, Bootstrapping Confidence Intervals, Linear Programming and Time Series Data. Why study Mathematics? The general aim of this course is to provide an opportunity for students to gain Level 3 Mathematics credits across a wide variety of topics. The course is only internally assessed and is aimed at students who may require some Mathematics in their future. Mathematics is about pattern and structure. It is about logical analysis deduction, calculation within these patterns and structures. When patterns are found, often in widely different areas of science and technology, the mathematics of these patterns can be used to explain and control natural happenings and situations. Mathematics has a pervasive influence on our everyday lives, and contributes to the wealth of the country. If this excites you and you enjoy problem solving, then this could be the Mathematics course to choose.


Course Content: Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.




1.Can I study more than one Level 3 Mathematics Course in Year 13?
Yes, students that enjoy and have a strength in Mathematics should consider studying both Calculus and Statistics in Year 13. The Year 13 Mathematics Course is a stand-alone course designed for students who wish to continue their study of Mathematics level, but find Mathematics challenging.

2.Do all the Level 3 Mathematics courses count towards University Entry?
Yes, all three courses count towards University entry.

3.If I am only planning to study one Mathematics course in Year 13, how do I decide whether or not to take Calculus or Statistics?
This is the most common question students have, when selecting a senior Mathematics course. There are two things to consider when making this decision:
a. Do you need either Calculus or Statistics for your tertiary programme of study i.e. if you are thinking of studying a degree in the areas of science, engineering, computer science/ICT, architecture or economics then I would recommend the Calculus course. If, however you plan to study a degree in social sciences or any area where the analysis and interpretation of data is important, then I would recommend Statistics.
b. Enjoyment factor. What topics in the NCEA Level 2 Mathematics Course did you enjoy the most. If you enjoyed Algebra, Graphing, Trigonometry and Calculus then the Level 3 Calculus course provides an extension and flow from these topics. If however you didn’t enjoy these topics, but liked Probability and enjoy writing reports, and interpreting trends in data, then Level 3 Statistics is the ideal course. If, however you enjoy both of these areas, then you should consider studying both courses.


Statistics (SAM)- NCEA Level 3

Minimum Entry Standard: 14 credits in Level 2 Mathematics with at least two Merit level passes in any Level 2 Mathematics. 


This course continues with the Statistics learnt at Level 2 and also introduces new areas including Time Series, Probability Distributions and Linear Regression. Why study Statistics? The general aim of this course is to provide a course of Mathematics study appropriate for students interested in quantitative aspects of the Biological and Social Sciences, Medicine, Commerce and Administration and in general any field where collection, analysis and interpretations of quantitative data are important. Statistics is the study of the collection, organisation, analysis and interpretation of data. It deals with all aspects of this, including the planning of data collection in terms of the design of surveys and experiments. Note: There is strong research emphasis in this course and the ability to construct, write and critique formal reports is crucial.


Course Content: Refer to the Senior Curriculum Handbook to view the Achievement Standards offered in this course.




1.Can I study more than one Level 3 Mathematics Course in Year 13?
Yes, students that enjoy and have a strength in Mathematics should consider studying both Calculus and Statistics in Year 13. The Year 13 Mathematics Course is a stand-alone course designed for students who wish to continue their study of Mathematics level, but find Mathematics challenging.

2.Do all the Level 3 Mathematics courses count towards University Entry?
Yes, all three courses count towards University entry.

3.If I am only planning to study one Mathematics course in Year 13, how do I decide whether or not to take Calculus or Statistics?
This is the most common question students have, when selecting a senior Mathematics course. There are two things to consider when making this decision:
a. Do you need either Calculus or Statistics for your tertiary programme of study i.e. if you are thinking of studying a degree in the areas of science, engineering, computer science/ICT, architecture or economics then I would recommend the Calculus course. If, however you plan to study a degree in social sciences or any area where the analysis and interpretation of data is important, then I would recommend Statistics.
b. Enjoyment factor. What topics in the NCEA Level 2 Mathematics Course did you enjoy the most. If you enjoyed Algebra, Graphing, Trigonometry and Calculus then the Level 3 Calculus course provides an extension and flow from these topics. If however you didn’t enjoy these topics, but liked Probability and enjoy writing reports, and interpreting trends in data, then Level 3 Statistics is the ideal course. If, however you enjoy both of these areas, then you should consider studying both courses.