Board of Proprietors

Attendance Dues (Compulsory)

This payment covers the debt servicing incurred in providing the Schools Land and Buildings (NZ Gazette No. 8040 6/12/2012).

$644.00 (GST Inclusive)
Society Membership
$76.00 (GST Inclusive)
Proprietors Donation*

*These amounts may qualify as a donation for tax purposes. In April each year you will receive a statement of the amounts paid, which can be used to apply for an IRD tax rebate.



Parent Contribution*

This donation meets the requirements of the Board of Trustees to operate the School in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Special Character of the School. It is the key to small class sizes and hiring extra staff needed for this, beyond the level allowed by Government.

Activities Donation*

This covers the cost of equipment for curriculum delivery, sport, drama and music, as well as other items such as subsidies for school excursions and cultural activities including the outdoor education excursions for Years 7 to 10.

PSA Donation*

The PSA is an incorporated Society and as such all Parents are automatically members. The Association is dedicated to raising money for the School to provide equipment and facilities which directly enhance the opportunities of boys at the School.

Total per Term

Total per Year

Only Attendance Dues and Society Membership attract GST

