Tena i tautaua (ROOPU) Hi!!
E tū Te Awakairangi
Anei ra mātou te kura tamatane
O Te Awakairangi e
Te mana te ihi te wehi te whakamataku e
E tū Te Awakairangi
Pupurutia ki ngā tikanga tuku iho
Hei aha
Hei arataki ia mātou
Ki a tū rangatira ai
E tū Te Awakairangi
Anei ra mātou te kura tamatane
O Te Awakairangi e
Te mana te ihi te wehi te whakamataku e
Au, Au, Aue ha Hi!
Hutt International stand tall
Here we stand the men
From the eastern winds of Wellington
With pride, brilliance, excellence and being formidable
Hutt International stand tall
We hold fast to the teachings of yester year
For the purpose of
So that we become leaders and
Stand chiefly with our people
Hutt International stand tall
Here we stand the men
From the eastern winds of Wellington
With pride, brilliance, excellence and being formidable
Embrace, Endorse, Alas we end these words of wisdom